Single vision lens wearers often experience a reduced limited viewing area in their single vision lenses. By adding the Freeform manufacturing
process to our Asfera lenses, it is now possible to increase the viewing area up to 30% providing greater comfort.
Ideal candidates are those who use their glasses for distance vision primarily and would benefit by not needing to increase head movement for
horizontal focus such side mirror viewing while driving a vehicle.
Asfera offers excellent viewing richness and comfort to individuals with low to moderate myopic, hyperopic and astigmatism corrections
Suggested parameters and individuals who will notice improvement and benefit are mostly those who have Myopic Powers greater than 3.00,
Hyperopic Powers greater than 2.00 and Astigmatism corrections greater than 1.00 diopter.
Asfera like its progressive counterparts requires the wearers' unique individual Freeform measurements of vertex distance, panoscopic and frame
wrap angle while wearing their selected frame.
In single vision glasses, when the number increases, the edge areas consist astigmatic deviations. In tailor-made freeform unifocal lenses (Asfera), not only in the central part of glass but also in the external field is provided a clear vision.